MP3 Organizer's Newsletter of 16 Oct 2004
From: MP3 Organizer
To: MP3 Organizer's Subscriptors
Sent on: 16 Oct 2004

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    MP3 Organizer's latest version has been released: 1.6.51. This latest version uses a new database (since 1.6.50, actually), so you'll need to download the newer database and upgrade as well.There's no need to download again the whole setup file to install it. You'll be able to update the applications using WebInstaller (which I'll comment on later) I'll include some of the sections there was in the previous newletter for the new subscribers.

    Once you've updated MP3 Organizer to the latest version, you'll need to upgrade the database. To do so, use this link

  Web Installer  

    There is a new way to update your applications to the latest versions. This can be done with Web Installer. You need to install Web Installer first to be able to update your applications (Web Installer itself as well). If you have not done this yet, use the link below. You should install it in the same folder MP3 Organizer is installed.

Download Download: Web Installer

    After you've installed Web Installer, you should be ready to go. Each time you use the link below you'll download a small file (800 bytes) with a kind of database which contains the information of the latest versions. If Web Installer does not start by itself, run it manually yourself; You should get a message telling you to use the link on the page. Now, the link should run Web Installer correctly.

Click to update

    You can save the file or open it directly. However, if you click "Open", Web Installer might open a cached file, instead of the one on the server (which might be newer than the one you've cached.) If you believe the file Web Installer opens is the one that's cached, save the file -wherever you want- and double-click on it afterwards.

  CD Indexes  

    If you have at least one CD with several MP3s saved on it... you'll love this feature. Wouldn't you just love to know on which folder and which track is the song you like to hear right now? MP3 Organizer can create a CD-Book with an index with all the saved MP3s... and the information about the folder and track.

    You can create an index of the files or the folders. When you index your files, the book will show the information you like. Some examples could be "Artist - Title", "FileName", "Title", etc. You're the one who sets its format.

    The book is ready to be printed out. All you need to do is to cut the pages up to 24.3 cm of width and 12.2 cm of height (9.56 inches of width and 4.80 inches of height). Remember to cut those pages before printing them. This is because you should print them double-sided, and if you don't cut them before printing them, one side and the other side -of the same page- won't match.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

(Click on the image to enlarge)

    As you can see in the image, in the first page it will print pages 8 and 1, and the second one pages 2 and 7. When you finish printing the 4 pages (there are 2 more pages which I did not include a screenshot), and fold them by the center... AND YOUR BOOK IS DONE

    To create them, find the CD in the CD's node, and use the proper context-menu's option (like the one showed here -which does not include these create-index options because the image is from a previous version- ).

    I could not test these feature with several CD-Burners and/or CD-Players. If the created index does not match what your CD player "says", please let me know about it.

  Latest Versions  
    Here there are the most recent changes:
New feature If 'Winamp 2' is not installed, it alerts the user to install if he/she wants to play the MP3s.
New language caption 'Problem' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Solution' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'WinampNotFoundProblem' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'WinampNotFoundSolution1' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'WinampNotFoundSolution2' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix The information in the StatusBar (number of items found) was not deleted if playing an MP3.
New language caption 'Item' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Items' caption added in the languages' files.
Changed Changed the link to download the new 'Winamp 5' instead of 'Winamp 5'
Changed Changed the 'WinampNotFoundProblem' caption
Changed Changed the 'WinampNotFoundSolution1' caption
Changed Changed the 'WinampNotFoundSolution2' caption
Bug Fix Bug with some extensions (.m3u) on some machines didn't let MP3 Organizer to run.
Bug Fix Fixed the routine which checks newer versions.
New feature Added a minimum size for the main form.
Bug Fix The 'first letter' nodes were not working as they should.
New feature Integration with 'Web Installer'.
Bug Fix Some bugs fixed when selecting multiple items.
New feature Feature to create a CD-Book index with the saved files in a CD.
New language caption 'ActualMask' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Adding' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CreateFileIndex' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CreateFolderIndex' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CreateIndex' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'FileName' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'FirstFolder' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Folder' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'IfOneFieldMissing' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Indexes' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'NeedToRetrieveExtraInfo' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'NoMaskSelected' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'NotPlaying' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Paused' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Playing' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Retrieving83' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Unknown' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix Some of the older captions were not been translated when switching between languages.
Bug Fix The albums were shown twice in the 'Artist & Album' nodes.
Changed Minor changes to the create-index feature.
New feature The ListView shows a different icon according to the drive where the MP3's saved.

    Now, some of the most interesting sections of the previous newsletters:

  Multiple CDs  

    Do you have several CDs with thousands of MP3s recorded in them? Do you find it hard to remember where is each specific song? Here's the solution. Add all your CDs in MP3 Organizer's database, and you can set the name of the CD -a description for you to know, what's written on the case or CD, anything that could tell you about which CD is- Whenever you want to listen to an MP3 (that you can search as any other file within MP3 Organizer), the soft will tell you to insert the CD labeled like you've specified (if it was not on the CD-Drive already). So, you don't need to remember which songs are recorded in each CD. Just search for the song by artist, title, genre, year, the search function -whatever- and double-click on it; MP3 Organizer will tell you where is that MP3 recorded.

    Obviously, you need that the recorded MP3s have enough information on their tags (saved on the CD) to get full power out of MP3 Organizer. If they have not ... remember the next time you record a CD to add their tags first.

  By CD's node  

    A new treeview node has been created. Its name is "By CD". This node will hold all the CDs you've saved in MP3 Organizer's database. You'll see each CDs (by the description you've typed when add it) under this node. With a click on any of the CDs you'll have all the MP3s on that CD listed on the ListView. You can also rename the CD, delete the MP3s of a CD from the database or list the MP3s in a file (See the Lists news right below this section). This options are available through the ListView's context menu.

    Remember to check this application, Translator:
Translator's screenshot
(Click on the image to enlarge)

    This application is pretty useful to get the user interface (UI) of MP3 Organizer translated, very easily. You'd be able to translate it to the language you want. More information at:

    You don't need to translate all the file from scratch to get any of these languages updated to the last version. You can download the MOF file and the Translator -Be sure you have the latest Translator.MOF file- from the downloads page. Open your language MOF file with it, translate the new captions and save the file. Now, your file is updated to the latest version.

    I'd be glad if you sent me any of this translations file to be added to the page If you don't want the credits or your contact being added... there would be no problem, but please, if you translate the User Interface, send me the file so that not-english speakers can use the application in their language. 
    If you have any question... ask it. Regards,
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Your address will neither be sold nor given away to third-parties in any way. You will just receive information about updates of this soft rarely -since I don't make large modifications that fast-. You can count on that, since I hate bulk mails as much as working on Sundays.
© Copyright 2001-2003 Emiliano F. Martín

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