MP3 Organizer - Installation
 |  Installation  |  Help File  |  Tip of the day  |  To Upgrade (Database)  | 

     The installation of the program is pretty simple. Once you'ce downloaded the Installer, execute it and follow the installation's steps on screen.

  Help File  

     If you downloaded the last version of the helpfile (from the download's page) and would like the program uses this newer version, you need to unzip file into a temp folder and execute the file Help.EXE. This exe will upgrade the file on your system. Please refer to the bottom note.

  Tip of the day  

     If you downloaded the last version of the TipOfTheDay (from the download's page) and would like the program uses this newer version, you need to unzip file into a temp folder and execute the file Tips.EXE. This exe will upgrade the file on your system. Please refer to the bottom note.

  To Upgrade (Database)  

     If you downloaded the last version of the database (from the download's page) and would like the program uses this newer version, you need to unzip file into a temp folder and execute the file ToUpgrade.EXE. This exe will upgrade the file on your system. Please refer to the bottom note.

     Next, this same EXE will automatically execute Upgrade.exe (which should be already installed on your system, if it's not installed you can download it from the download's page) to upgrade the previous database with the new one. Please, do not rename the file 'To Upgrade.mdb' to MP3s.mdb because you will lose all the information that you've been saving into that database.

If you have any problem, post your question on the forums for support. Your question could be reference for others on the future. By the way, please, use the search function first.


All the files, need Winzip to "uncompress" them (extract the files that are compressed within it). You can download Winzip from here.
 |  Installation  |  Help File  |  Tip of the day  |  To Upgrade (Database)  | 

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